Many American furnaces run on gas or electricity, but oil furnaces are still incredibly popular in homes across the country - not only because they tend to be more affordable
, but also because oil produces more heat than gas as it burns.
However, oil also creates buildup like soot, which means your oil furnace might need more regular cleaning and maintenance than other types of furnaces. Oil furnaces also need a steady supply of oil so they can run efficiently and keep your home safe and comfortable all fall and winter long.
If you have an oil furnace, keep reading! We'll walk you through our checklist to get your oil furnace ready for the upcoming cold season.
Throughout the winter, you'll need a steady oil supplier so you can keep your furnace up and running. Before the season even starts, locate a local oil provider who either can deliver oil directly to your home or has a convenient store where you can purchase oil on-site.
Visit your local supplier so you can add more oil to your home's oil tank before fall is in full swing. Bear in mind that your oil tank should never be less than a quarter
of the way full. If the levels drop that low, sludge starts to churn at the bottom of the tank and slow your furnace's efficiency (not to mention the buildup makes it more obnoxious to clean).
Ensure your oil provider is reliable, and check your oil levels frequently so you can call your provider as soon as you need more fuel.
Because oil furnaces burn hotter than many other types of furnaces, these furnaces can provide more consistent temperatures to your home with arguably greater efficiency. However, most furnaces are only as effective as their filters, and oil furnaces are no exception.
Additionally, because your furnace runs on oil instead of natural gas, which burns cleaner, you'll need to check and replace the filters more regularly than a homeowner with a gas furnace needs to. Remember to turn off the furnace before you attempt to replace the filter.
Because furnaces spread air around the house, they tend to pick up particles in the air that then clog the furnace's filter. Help your furnace burn fuel efficiently by vacuuming regularly, especially if you have pets. Dust at least once each week and thoroughly clean your countertops to keep debris out of the air.
Make sure to also dust off the surface of your furnace before you turn it on for the first time; otherwise, you'll get a smell like burning dust that blows around the house for a few hours before dissipating.
Vacuuming and dusting frequently this winter won't just help your oil furnace work better - these cleaning techniques will also keep allergens out
of the air, helping your family breathe easier as your furnace helps them stay warm.
No matter what type of furnace you have, it's likely easy for you to do some basic, safe maintenance, like changing the filters and dusting off the furnace. However, because furnaces burn fuel and produce intense heat, it's wise to schedule a tuneup with a professional who knows how to safely evaluate and repair any problems with your oil furnace.
Before your HVAC professional arrives, make sure the furnace has enough fuel to run properly. Consider scheduling an HVAC visit as early in the season as possible - preferably in October or November instead of in December, when most HVAC companies will be more heavily booked.
Need oil or kerosene to keep your home heated this winter? Dean's Water Service Inc. does more than bring pure water to Pittsburgh residents. Get in touch
to learn more about our oil and kerosene delivery so you and your family members can stay safe and warm this winter.

That fresh, clean, crisp taste of bottled water can't be beat. And it doesn't just taste refreshing—in the summer, bottled water keeps you hydrated and healthy.
Sure, you could turn the tap, fill a glass and get water from your sink. But that's not always practical. There are some times when bottled water just makes more sense than using your home's (or business's) water supply. Then there are the other beverage choices. You can grab a bottle of soda from the fridge or give your child a juice box. Then again, those options don't always offer the same health benefits that water does.
So when can bottled water come in handy, and why is a better choice than other options? Take a look at some of the summertime activities that go hand-in-hand with bottled water.
Camping Trips
Unless you know how to properly filter what you scoop out of a stream, creek or lake, you need a source of fresh drinking water when you go on a summer camping adventure. While some campgrounds do have a tap with flowing water, you can't always be sure of where it comes from. Beyond that, when you go on hikes, bike rides or are away from your campsite for any length of time, you need portable water for drinking.
Bottled water is an easy option that you can bring. Just pop a few bottles into a cooler or a backpack, and you're ready to go.
Playground Days
School's out and the kids are bored. The local park is the place to be right now. You enjoy taking your children to the playground for the day. But it never fails — a half-hour into playtime the kids start telling you they're thirsty.
You could start handing out the juice boxes, but that might not be the healthiest choice. Even though juice comes from fruit, not every box or pouch is as healthy as the real deal. These products are typically filled with sugar and additives. The extra sugar isn't doing anything good for your kids. It's making them kind of hyper, and it may even contribute to weight gain.
Roughly 12.7 million children and teens are affected by obesity in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Swapping out sugary beverages for plain water is a healthy choice that keeps the kids hydrated while not adding extra calories to their daily diets.
Pool Afternoons
Like the playground, the pool is a summertime staple. Whether you're relaxing by your own pool or swimming at the local public pool, it's a cool way to refresh during the summer months.
Even though sitting in the water seems like it will take away the effects of the heat, it won't keep you hydrated. Obviously pool water is chlorinated, and not for drinking. So you tote along a mini cooler and stock it with diet sodas. They're calorie-free and will take away your thirst. Right? Wrong. Soda is filled with chemicals and won't do anything when it comes to healthy hydration.
What's the alternative? If you're looking for a no-calorie way to keep yourself hydrated during those sweltering pool days, bottled water is a better pick. It's portable, it's refreshing and it's totally calorie-free.
Summer Workouts
Just because the mercury is rising doesn't mean that you need to stop everything and relax under a fan (or the AC) all day. If you're into working out, you can keep the activity going all year round. This includes jogging, exercise classes, weight-lifting and organized sports (especially for kids).
Of course, summertime workouts also mean staying safe when it comes to the heat and hydration. It's absolutely essential that you hydrate when you're physically active in the heat. Sports drinks may seem like the obvious option. But these are often filled with calories or chemicals. If you don't see the need of adding in extra calories (who really does?) bottled water is the way to go.
Do you need bottled water? Why go out when it can be delivered right to your door? Call Dean's Water Service, Inc. at 724-249-6138 for more information.

Above-ground water storage tanks can be used in numerous applications. If you are trying to minimize your impact on the environment as an individual, a water storage tank can help. On the other hand, if you are involved in industrial applications, having a proper device for holding water means that you won’t have any chemicals leaking into the ground.
Personal Use
For a family or a single person, a water storage tank can be used to collect rainwater. Once the water is collected, you can use it for gardening, washing or watering your lawn. If you want to use the rainwater for drinking or cooking, you’ll need to add a treatment system as well. Even if you collect water for gardening or the lawn, this simple act can save you money by reducing your utility bills and can reduce your impact on the environment by conserving water.
Industrial Use
There are a variety of fields that produce waste water as a by-product. For example, the mining, oil, and construction industries often need to store fluids. Even harvesting natural gas often uses hydraulic fracturing which produces waste water. Having a proper storage tank for these uses is necessary to minimize your environmental impact and to ensure that you are compliant with state regulations.
Whether you are considering a tank for personal or industrial use, there are environmental benefits. Call Dean’s Water Service Inc. for more information on the reasons to have a water storage tank.

After a season of retreat from your swimming pool in the cold winter days of Washington, your pool is most likely a tub of muddled water with foliage and twigs floating about.
Here are tips from our professionals in Washington, Pennsylvania:
Before you get started on the task of getting your pool ready for the sunny days ahead, please make sure that you have everything you need. Have a list of all the things you need. You don’t want to be going back and forth to the nearby store every time you forget something. Here is a list of key items you’ll need:
- Spring opening kit (Including chemicals for balancing and water testing)
- Skimmer head
- Vacuum head
- Vacuum hose
- Soap or winter cover cleaner
- Pool brush
- Test kit or test strips
Begin by bringing your swimming pool up to shape with a chemical open. Your pool is going to need some chemicals (and a little hard physical work) to make it flawless again.
We recommend you put the filtration system together, clean out all the baskets, and get rid of any plugs that you put in when the pool was last shut down.
If the water level has dropped over the wintertime, top it off. Clean the filter before you turn it on. You can clean a cartridge filter by taking away the cartridge and rinse with a hose. Call the experts at Dean’s Water Service Inc. in Washington, Pennsylvania, for a same-day water delivery .
You should have test strips or a test kit already on hand and ready to use (See our checklist above). Take a sample of your pool water by using a mug, holding it upside down, and putting it in the water elbow deep. Then, turn the cup straight to take the sample. Make sure you take a sample away from your return line. Use your test kit or test strips to check your pH and chlorine levels.
After making sure your chemical levels are okay, go ahead and do the cleaning. Remove the pool cover, clean and vacuum your pool thoroughly. You can use car wash soap or a winter cover cleaner and a brush to scrub the whole thing down. For the rest of the summer season, keep the filter clean, vacuum the pool each week, and test the chemical levels regularly.
the experts at Dean’s Water Service Inc. in Washington, Pennsylvania, for tips or water delivery requests today.

Above ground water storage tanks can be used in numerous applications. If you are trying to minimize your impact on the environment as an individual, a water storage tank can help. On the other hand, if you are involved in industrial applications, having a proper device for holding water means that you won’t have any chemicals leaking into the ground.
For the family or single person, a water storage tank can be used to collect rainwater. Once the water is collected, you can use it for gardening, washing or watering your lawn. If you want to use the rain for drinking or cooking, you’ll need to add a treatment system as well. Even if you only what you collect for gardening or the lawn, this simple act can save you money by reducing your utility bills and can reduce your impact on the environment by conserving water.
There are a variety of fields that produce waste water as a byproduct. For example, the mining, oil and construction industries often need to store fluids. Even harvesting natural gas often uses hydraulic fracturing which produces waste water. Having a proper storage tank for these uses is necessary to minimize your environmental impact and ensure that you are compliant with state regulations.
Whether you are considering a tank for personal or industrial use, there are environmental benefits. Call Dean’s Water Service Inc. for more information on the reasons to have a water storage tank.

From pools and water features to commercial enterprises, purchasing water from a professional distributor is usually the best way to get clean, potable water in quantity. Here are four of the top uses for bulk water services .
1. Homes: Instead of relying on the garden hose, many homeowners opt to fill pools, hot tubs and landscaping features, such as ponds, by having water delivered.
2. Farming: When it comes to growing crops, a reliable source of clean water is essential. In addition to being free of potentially harmful chemicals, bulk water can offer a safety net for farmers dealing with drought conditions.
3. Wineries: Wineries often have to process their fruit and get their wine racked in a rush after harvest season. Bulk water is the perfect way to get all the water needed at once, and with the guarantee that additives won't interfere with the flavor of the wine.
4. Events: Many businesses that offer water delivery services also specialize in larch purchases of bottled water. Whether planning a wedding or organizing a crowded conference event, this is probably one of the cheapest ways to provide for attendees.
Whatever your occasion or need, make sure to call Dean’s Water Service Inc. for providing a completely purified product that will be delivered on schedule.

Winter is just around the corner and you’re starting to think about how you’re going to keep your home warm during those bitter cold months. Maybe you already have a heating system in place and are thinking of upgrading or your current system needs to be replaced. Before you make a decision, read some of the hidden benefits of using oil to heat your home.
Oil systems are incredibly durable and can last as long as 30 years. Imagine not having to worry about replacing your heating system during the duration of your ownership; that’s a benefit worthy of consideration.
Heating with oil is also efficient. Oil heats up much faster than traditional heating methods and stays warmer longer. The efficiency rating on a new oil system is high due to the cost savings the fuel system provides you.
Heating with oil is also clean. Over the past few decades, it’s reduced our greenhouse emissions by 30 percent. If you’re concerned with helping our environment, you can rest assured that oil heat is a clean, safe method for your home.
When you think of heating with oil, you may picture pioneer days with old oil lamps. But that’s not the case. Heating with oil is very safe and isn’t flammable like gas.
Heating with oil is a viable option if you want a safe, clean and lasting heating solution for your home. To learn more about oil delivery, contact Dean’s in Washington, Pennsylvania.